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Explicación del ejercicio...English version...

Ejercicio - nivel B1 - vocabulario ladrones y multas.

Lee este texto acerca de Bill Muggins el ladrón y sus aventuras. Elige la respuesta correcta para cada casilla. Después de comprobar tus aciertos, puedes leer una explicación más abajo.

Bill Muggins was not a very responsible man. He was always doing things he shouldn't. He 1) buyed / bought a new car with money he had stolen from a bank. Yes, Bill was a 2) thief / theft . He had committed many crimes in his life and knew how to 3) prevent / avoid the police. So, with his new car he drove down the road too fast – he was 4) going / running 150 km per hour but he didn't mind. He thought it was funny! He hit two 5) cyclists / pedestrians who were riding slowly down the road and he laughed. But then a police car came up behind him and this time Bill was c Bill had to go to court. The 6) lawyer / judge was very angry with Bill and 7) sentenced / encarceled him to two years in 8) carcel / prison . Bill also had to pay a large 9) fine / money of $5,000. When Bill was free, he had to do community service - 10) reparating / repairing bicycles.


*Respuestas incorrectas en rojo. Tienes dos intentos.

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1) bought (verbo irregular)

2) thief ("theft" es la acción de robar)

3) avoid (= evitar; prevent = prevenir)

4) going (En inglés no se puede correr o "run" en coche - usamos los verbos "go" o "drive".)

5) cyclists (Son las personas que montan en bici.)

6) judge (= juez. "Lawyer" es abogado y no puede enviar a nadie a la cárcel.)

7) sentenced (El verbo "encarcel" no existe en inglés.)

8) prison (ver la 8)

9) fine (= multa. Como palabra no contable, no se puede decir a large money.)

10) repairing (El verbo "reparate" no existe en inglés.)

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