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Ejercicio - nivel B1 - gramática.

Lee este texto sobre Steve y su viaje a África. Hay que insertar la palabra correcta de la selección en rosa. Cuándo termines, puedes consultar más abajo las explicaciones de las respuestas.

Steve Jones is a student in the UK. This year he had an extremely 1) interesting / interested summer holiday. He 2) travels / travelled with twenty other students to Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. The reason they went was to help make a road 3) on / through / among a forest between two major towns in the area.
"It was very hard 4) job / work / task," said Steve. "There was very little water to drink and no shops where we 5) must / may / could buy food. It was also freezing in the mountains and it rained a lot. In fact, it's 6) one / some / any of the coldest places in Africa.
Steve stayed in the Mount Kilimanjaro area 7) during / for / since nearly two months. 8) Although / However it was hard work, Steve said it was the most exciting adventure he had ever had. He hopes to go there again 9) the next / next year but he says next time he'll take 10) lots of / lot of warm clothes.


*Respuestas incorrectas en rojo. Tienes dos intentos.

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Respuestas... (volver...)

1) interesting ("ing" porque hablamos de la materia - "ed" se utiliza para expresar el sentimiento ej. I feel bored.)

2) travelled (el viaje está en pasado)

3) through (= a través de; among = entre; on = encima de, sobre)

4) work (no hay artículo "a", así que necesitamos una palabra incontable; a job, a task)

5) could (el único modal en pasado aquí)

6) one (es singular - uno de - así que "one")

7) for ("for" más período de tiempo; "since" + fecha en el pasado; during + un sustantivo ej. during the holiday)

8) Although (= aunque; however = sin embargo)

9) next (el próximo a partir de ahora - sin artículo; "the next" = el siguiente de una secuencia)

10) lots of (lots of = a lot of)

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