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Explicación del ejercicio...

Ejercicio - preguntas pasado simple sin auxiliar.

La interrogativa inglesa sin el auxiliar did.

Escribir las preguntas en pasado simple en inglés utilizando el verbo entre paréntesis. En estos ejemplos, el auxiliar did no se emplea.

Who (buy) the milk last week?

Who bought     the milk last week?


1) Who (see) the film last night?

Who the film last night?

2) Who (do) their English homework yesterday?

Who their English homework yesterday?

3) Which horse (win) the race on Saturday?

Which horse the race on Saturday?

4) Which road (go) to the beach?

Which road to the beach?

5) What (happen) at work yesterday?

What at work yesterday?

6) Who (come) to your party last weekend?

Who to your party last weekend?

7) Who (invent) the television?

Who the television?

8) What (make) a noise late last night?

What a noise late last night?

9) Who (eat) all the biscuits?

Who all the biscuits?

10) Which vase (fall off) the table?

Which vase the table?



*Respuestas incorrectas en rojo. Tienes dos intentos.

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1) Who saw the film last night?

2) Who did their English homework yesterday?

3) Which horse won the race on Saturday?

4) Which road went to the beach?

5) What happened at work yesterday?

6) Who came to your party last weekend?

7) Who invented the television?

8) What made a noise late last night?

9) Who ate all the biscuits?

10) Which vase fell off the table?

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