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Spanish letter: cable-car ride and trekking in the hills and good advice.


Monte Calamorro

El Teleférico de Benalmádena le propone un viaje donde el sol, el aire libre y la naturaleza son los protagonistas. Mountain bike, senderismo... Diferentes opciones para convertir su viaje en nuestro teleférico en una experiencia inolvidable.


- Cuide el Medio Ambiente.

- Evite fumar y hacer fuego.

- Las sendas marcadas son las rutas más seguras.

- No corra riesgos innecesarios.

- Lleve a los niños siempre de la mano.

- Mantengamos limpio el monte. Use las papeleras habilitadas al efecto.

- Le recomendamos que use una protección solar apropiada.

- Use calzado y ropa cómodos y apropiados para caminar.

- Y, por favor, no arrojar objetos desde las cabinas ni las balancear.


Both these versions, written and translated by native speakers, are intended to read in correct Spanish and English with appropriate registers.

Monte Calamorro

Cabin Cars of Benalmadena will take you on a trip where the sun, fresh air and nature are the outstanding features. Mountain-bike cycling, trekking... Different ways of making your trip on our cable-cars an unforgettable experience.

Our recommendations:

- Respect the environment.

- No smoking or making fires.

- Marked paths are safest.

- Don't take unnecessary risks.

- Hold the children's hands at all times

- Use bins provided and keep mountainside clean.

- Use a good sun-protection cream.

- Clothing and footwear should be both comfortable and suitable for hill-walking.

- Don't throw anything out of cable-cars and please do not rock them.



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