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Spanish love letter: negative reply to declarations of love.


Querido Simon:

Francamente, tu carta me dejó atónita. Aunque sea cierto que carteamos con cierta frecuencia, es por la amistad que tenemos y por lo hecho que te aprecio mucho pero como amiga. A lo largo de este poco tiempo te he considerado como una persona en la que podía hablar y confiar pero de una manera desinteresada. Si te llamé el otro día, era porque me sentí sola; como ya sabes hace tiempo que mis amigos de Sevilla se han marchado a otros lugares.

Temo que tu última carta haya perjudicado nuestra amistad que yo querría continuar contigo. No te deprimas, Simon, pero nunca llegaría a tener los sentimientos que dices que tienes tú por mí. Igual piensas que soy una persona demasiado fría pero no entiendo como puedes contarme tales cosas después de habernos visto sólo una vez.

Un abrazo



Both these versions, written and translated by native speakers, are intended to read in correct Spanish and English with appropriate registers.

Dear Simon

To be Frank, your letter left me quite shocked. Although it's true that we write too each other quite frequently, it's because of the friendship that exists between us and because I really like you but as a friend. During this short space of time I have grown to think of you as a person who I can talk to and trust but not with any ulterior motive. If I called you the other day, it was because I was feeling lonely; as you know, my Seville friends left town some time ago.

I'm afraid that your last letter has rather damaged the friendship that I hoped to carry on with you. Don't get down about this, Simon, but I could never feel for you in the same way that you say you feel for me. You probably think I'm a cold person but I just can't understand how you could tell me all those things when we have only seen each other once.





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