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Explicación del ejercicio...English version...

Ejercicio - voz activa a pasiva (presente simple 2).

Rellena los espacios con la pasiva de cada una de las frases en presente simple. No hace falta la preposición by + agente.

She always does her homework on time.

Her homework is always done            on time.

1) The police usually hold suspects for a maximum of 24 hours.

Suspects for a maximum of 24 hours.

2) The zoo keeper feeds the animals twice a day.

The animals twice a day.

3) The children never hang their coats on the pegs.

The coats on the pegs.

4) You insert the plug at the wall.

The plug at the wall.

5) I take the money from the shop to the bank every morning.

The money from the shop to the bank every morning.

6) The gardener tests the Ph level in the pool every evening.

The Ph level in the pool every evening.

7) Do they always turn off the lights when they go home?

Are when they go home?

8) The machine registers all people entering and leaving.

All people entering and leaving .

9) The maintenance men change any light bulbs not working once a week.

Any light bulbs not working once a week.

10) The pilot always flies the President to his country home at the weekends.

The President to his country home at the weekends.



*Respuestas incorrectas en rojo. Tienes dos intentos.

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1) are usually held

2) are fed

3) are never hung

4) is inserted

5) is taken

6) is tested

7) the lights always turned off

8) are registered

9) are changed

10) is always flown

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