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Explicación del ejercicio...

Ejercicio - voz activa a pasiva (pasado simple).

Rellena los espacios con las palabras para completar la pasiva de cada una de las frases en pasado simple. No se requiere el uso de la preposición by.

They gave a large sum of money to the poor.

A large sum of money was given            to the poor.

1) We packed the cases last night.

The cases last night.

2) We spotted a lot of black storks yesterday.

A lot of black storks yesterday.

3) The football supporters drank a lot of beer after the match.

A lot of beer after the match.

4) The local council planted hundreds of trees last year.

Hundreds of trees last year.

5) People wrote a lot about religious topics in the 19th century.

A lot about religious topics in the 19th century.

6) Did they introduce you to Mary last night?

to Mary last night?

7) Did the children put away all the toys before they went to bed?

away before they went to bed?

8) They said she wasn't coming back.

It she wasn't coming back.

9) In the end they did not close down the factory.

In the end the factory .

10) Somebody abandoned this lovely dog on the main road.

This lovely dog on the main road.



*Respuestas incorrectas en rojo. Tienes dos intentos.

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Volver al ejercicio...


1, were packed

2, were spotted

3, was drunk

4, were planted

5, was written

6, Were you introduced

7, Were all the toys put (away)

8, was said/was said that

9, was not closed down

10, was abandoned

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