Spanish phrases for beginning correspondence.

Estimada señora Sánchez (more formal)

[Dear... (formal o informal)

Estimado señor Rodríguez

Dear Mr Rodriguez

Muy señor mío (more formal)

Dear Sir / Dear Madam

Querida María (informal)

Dear Miss Green

Mi querido amigo/a (informal and good friend)

My Darling Pete / My Dearest Penny

Me he alegrado mucho de recibir otro email tuyo...

I was very glad to receive another email from you...

Perdona por contestar tan tarde... (Use "perdone" if it is formal usted)

I apologize for being so late replying...

Probablemente te acordarás de mí. Soy...

You'll probably remember me. I'm...

Qué sorpresa recibir tu email...

What a surprise it was to receive your email...






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